Romantic Proposal in Northwest Maui

Sometimes I love it when guys want to shake it up a bit. I mean, I love stalking you guys during the proposal (or hiding in the bushes), but sometimes it is way easier if the girl knows she’s going to be a part of the photoshoot! That was exactly the plan for this romantic proposal in Northwest Maui.


Luke, the groom-to-be, contacted me wanting to find the perfect location to propose to his girlfriend Sarah. He wanted lava rocks and blue ocean–so I knew just the place. Northwest Maui is absolutely gorgeous. You get blue water, lava rock escarpments, and often times rainbows!

The plan was that Sarah thought this was a glamour shoot for her that Luke had booked. Sarah is absolutely gorgeous. She actually reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence a bit with her bright blue eyes and soft features. We began the photo session as a glamour shoot and Luke was “assisting” me. When I found the spot Luke and I had discussed, I laid down a blanket and asked Sarah to take a seat. Then I asked her if it would be OK for Luke to join her for a few because, you know, he looked so nice and everything.


Once Luke sat down, he wasted no time. I love Sarah’s reaction to what he was telling her. She was SO caught off-guard and couldn’t believe it! There were a bunch of tears and a whole lot of “are you kidding me?!”–but she definitely said yes!


Because of the diversity of Ironwoods Beach, we decided to stay there for the duration of our session. It was really windy, but WOW was it beautiful! We got a great sunset to round off their perfect proposal!maui pinup photographer

beautiful woman on beach in maui

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surprise proposal in Kapalua maui

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just engaged on maui

tearful surprise engagement

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dramatic maui cliffs and engaged couple
sunset in kapalua, maui, hawaii

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sunset on a beach in maui

Luke and Sarah: I loved your modern twist on proposal photography. Everything from Luke’s idea for the set up to Sarah’s reaction, the ring–everything–every moment was so emotion-filled and beautiful. Thank you for choosing me to be your Maui proposal photographer for your romantic proposal in Northwest Maui!

Congratulations and enjoy your first holiday season as fiances!

Photos by Angie | Perfect Proposal Package

Want a proposal similar to Luke and Sarah’s?

Get in touch and let’s make a plan!

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