Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii

The Plan:

Near the end of December, I had gone back and forth with Justin in regards to his surprise Maui proposal in Wailea. We had corresponded via email for a week or so, but really we needed to talk over the phone to make this proposal happen!

Finally, a few days after Christmas, Justin was able to sneak away from Whitney for a short period of time so we could iron out the details.

I was still back in the Mainland, but as soon as I landed in Maui, I was going to White Rock Beach to let him know exactly where to enter the beach, where to propose, and how to get there!

where to propose in maui

Above is the actual image I sent him! Along with the video, Justin felt confident that he knew where to go and what to do! Now all we had to do was wait for New Year’s Eve.

The Proposal:

As most things go, Justin and Whitney were running a bit behind. But a quick text from Justin let me know what was happening!

I crouched in the bushes and waited…

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After they had their moment together, I introduced myself to Whitney. See, I knew all about her, but she knew nothing about me!Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0006

She was absolutely glowing.Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0011Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0007

The Engagement Session:

After the initial shock wore off, we had a laid back and fun engagement session!

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These two had great chemistry! They both couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces!Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0009Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0010

What made this session even more special was the fact that Whitney’s family was on Maui too! After a quick phone call to let them know where they were, the whole family met us down on the beach.Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0012Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0013Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0014Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0015Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0016

What an amazing way to end 2014.Surprise Proposal in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii_0017

Justin and Whitney:

Thank you for sharing such an amazing time in your lives with me. Justin: you’re a champ. Whitney was so surprised and you really did pull out all the stops!

Congratulations on your engagement!

Photos by Angie | Simple Proposal

Is a simple beach proposal on Maui the perfect thing for you and your love?  Contact us here with questions and to book your surprise proposal photographer!

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